Although the days when I was a svelte 110 pounds are long gone, I still like to read the fashion magazines while I stand in line at the grocery checkout, and imagine what new styles I would wear if I still had the body to carry them off.
So I had to laugh when I read about the latest in fall fashions.
The fashionistas, in an apparent belated nod to the 9/11 disasters, are selling the idea of a “sartorial safety net,” according to Globe fashion maven Tina Cassidy. The new trend is to dress as if your dotcom fortune tanked and terrorists destroyed your apartment, and you had to make do with stuff from the attic and the nearest Salvation Army bin. Clothes as camoflage. The brittle, all-in-black-all-the-time “Sex in the City” look is out. Logo-splashed accessories are out. “I have more money than God” separates made from the collected silk of endangered spiders handwoven by indigenous artisans dwelling in photogenic mountain ranges are out. Intimidation is out. Comfort (physical and spiritual) is in.
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